1417 Barbour Way, Rising Sun, IN 47040
(812) 438-2055 (812) 438-2055

Our goal at Rising Sun Veterinary Clinic is to help pet owners as well as farm livestock owners to have healthy animals that live long lives. Our goals as veterinarians are to educate our clients on good preventative medicine so that our patients can thrive for their owners throughout life. For nearly 60 years Rising Sun Veterinary Clinic has been dedicated to its patients and clients with a constantly changing veterinary field and we will continue to provide these services in a clinic that is ready to grow and provide current medical techniques with a small hometown practice etiquette for our clients.

The Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Having Pets


Pet owners believe that their lives are enriched by owning a pet, but did you know even the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) suggests that having a pet is good for you? Pet ownership and companionship can prevent you from feeling lonely, give you more opportunities for socialization, and give you a sense of love and pride from taking such good care of your pet. In fact, just petting your dog or cat can immediately lower your stress level!

Pets have been proven to lower anxiety and depression, especially for people who are prone to these mental health conditions or who have suffered through a traumatic event. One reason for this is that the presence of a pet changes a person’s focus from his or her inward thoughts to taking care of a dependent animal.


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