1417 Barbour Way, Rising Sun, IN 47040
(812) 438-2055 (812) 438-2055

Our goal at Rising Sun Veterinary Clinic is to help pet owners as well as farm livestock owners to have healthy animals that live long lives. Our goals as veterinarians are to educate our clients on good preventative medicine so that our patients can thrive for their owners throughout life. For nearly 60 years Rising Sun Veterinary Clinic has been dedicated to its patients and clients with a constantly changing veterinary field and we will continue to provide these services in a clinic that is ready to grow and provide current medical techniques with a small hometown practice etiquette for our clients.

It's Happy Healthy Cat Month


Although your cat probably thinks it should be every month, September is officially Happy Healthy Cat Month. The love and care you provide your cat makes a big difference in his longevity and overall well-being. Cats are wonderful companions who really ask for so little in exchange for the purrs, snuggles, and unconditional love. In honor of this special month, here are some things you can do to give your cat the happy life he deserves:

- Provide several places to sleep and hide throughout your home. Cats need a place to retreat when they feel fearful in addition to wanting privacy from time to time.
- Get your cat microchipped and provide her with a collar and identification tag. This greatly increases the chances of a happy reunion should she ever become separated from you.
- Feed your cat nutritious food, limit treats, and make him work for his food sometimes. Place it inside of a toy or in different places around the house to satisfy his natural hunting instinct. This also gives him much-needed exercise.
- Make sure your cat has plenty of toys and spend a few minutes each day playing with her. Cats are just as entertained batting at a piece of string as they are with an expensive toy from the pet store. Playing with your cat encourages exercise, mental stimulation, and the human-feline bond.
- Place scratching posts in a few different areas of your home to give your cat the chance to sharpen his claws as well as release the natural need to scratch. This saves your furniture too.

Regular Veterinary Care is the Most Important of All
A 2013 study by the American Association of Feline Practitioners indicates that more than half of all cats don't see the veterinarian regularly. Although more than 80 percent visit the vet during their first year of life, cat owners seem to only bring them in when they are sick or injured after that. At Rising Sun Veterinary Clinic, we encourage all cat owners to schedule a physical exam at least once a year. This is important for early diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of feline diseases as well as to track your cat's growth. Dr. Walton and Dr. Hartwell look forward to seeing you and your cat soon. 


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